As the Crow Caws

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Beyond Materialism

Artist: Julie Hopkins

In the Beyond Materialism collection the collages traverse into the ethereal realms.

Since childhood I have felt most comfortable and connected in the wild places. Meaningful encounters with birds, plants, animals, landscapes, opened me to subtle energies and the metaphysical. Mystical and psychedelic experiences further illuminated the sentient, self-aware nature of everything and our connection to it.

These confounding and profound entanglements challenged my world view and cultural narratives. These experiences catalyzed a deeper internal exploration and understanding of existence and the nature of reality.

This art collection embodies and explores the inner worlds, the unconscious, the imaginal, ancient, intuitive wisdom, and pathways to the spectral cosmos.

The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious – the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science.”
~ Albert Einstein